EMIL Sayfutdinov has agreed terms on a return to Ipswich in 2025.
Sayfutdinov has starred for the Witches in the last two seasons and their title chances in the ROWE Motor Oil Premiership this year took a major hit when he was injured in a crash at Sheffield.
And he says he’s determined to help the Foxhall side as they look to win the top-flight crown for the first time since way back in 1998.
Sayfutdinov told the club website: “There is a good team atmosphere, and I was thinking about this before signing again and I want to fight again because we wanted to be champions the last two years and we haven’t achieved that yet, but we will try again to do it.
“The team is really strong, but everything is won out on the track. Everyone in this team can score points and that is what we need to keep feeling fresh and not tired.
“Everyone makes it a good atmosphere and we want to have a successful season. Hopefully a year later we finally get a gold medal.”