Having already been under investigation for postponing a League fixture on the 4th May 2023, the Directors of the BSP Ltd reported the King’s Lynn club to the Speedway Control Bureau (SCB) for postponing the ROWE Motor Oil Premiership fixture on the 9th May 2024 stating the reason for the postponement was lack of rider availability.
The members of the SCB viewed the evidence given where the King’s Lynn team were missing two riders namely Tobiasz Musielak who is currently absence with a speedway injury and Patryk Wojdylo who was competing in a National Championship in Poland.
With the facilities available to the King’s Lynn team and three Premiership Teams not competing on the 9th May as well as a host of top-class Championship riders available the SCB supported the BSP Ltd Directors view that this fixture should have gone ahead.
Due to the actions of the King’s Lynn Promotion by postponing this fixture when facilities were available, and also already being under investigation due to the fixture being postponed in May 2023, this Breached the following SCB Regulation –
- 017.2 Breach of Rules
f) Any proceedings or acts prejudicial to the interests of any part or body of the ACU, SCB, BSP Ltd or of the sport of motorcycling generally.
Due to this breach the King’s Lynn Club have been issued with the following penalty as per SCB Regulation 017.3 Penalties –
- Point Penalty – The Removal of two (2) ROWE Motor Oil Premiership League Points.
No further comment from the SCB on this matter will be made.