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On Wednesday 1st November 2023 the Speedway Control Bureau held two Disciplinary Hearings.

These followed breaches of the Anti-Doping Regulations, in relation to Mr. Steve Boxall and Mr. Richie Worrall.

The Hearings took place at the ACU House in Rugby.

Neither Mr Boxall, nor any representative acting on his behalf, attended the Hearing.

As per the Regulations, the Hearing continued to take place in his absence.

After hearing all the evidence regarding the test that took place, initially at Plymouth Speedway on the 5th September 2023, and subsequently at the Laboratory, confirmation which the SCB received on the 11th September 2023, the Disciplinary Panel found Mr Boxall guilty of having Prohibited Substances in his body, namely Cocaine and Benzoylecgonine.

With Mr Boxall having previous disciplinary history, having served a 2-year suspension for failing to provide an Anti-Doping Test in 2018, the Disciplinary Panel issued Mr Boxall the following penalties:

  1. 4-year suspension dated from the 5th September 2023. Time already served since his suspension on the 5th September 2023 to be included within this period.
  2. The option of having 1 year, the final year, suspended on the understanding of:
    – To attend Rehabilitation Counselling, including providing proof of such attendance to the SCB, at his own expense.
    – To undergo regular testing, furnishing the results to the SCB, for the two months prior to resuming racing, at his own expense.
  3. A financial Penalty of £1500.00.

In relation to the case of Mr Worrall, he attended in person and represented himself.

After hearing all the evidence regarding the test that took place, initially at Plymouth Speedway on the 5th September 2023, and subsequently at the Laboratory, confirmation which the SCB received on the 11th September 2023, the Disciplinary Panel found Mr Worrall guilty of having Prohibited Substances in his body, namely Cocaine and Benzoylecgonine.

Having considered all the mitigation prior to sentencing, the Disciplinary Panel imposed the following penalties:

  1. Suspended for 18 months, of which the second 9 months will be suspended. Time already served since his suspension on the 5th September 2023 to be included within this period.
  2. Must undergo regular testing, furnishing the results to the SCB, for the two months prior to resuming racing, at his own expense.
  3. A financial Penalty of £1500.00 to be paid within 30-days from 01.11.2023.